When you start programming, the very first program you will write will be - Hello World. The same rule applies here. The very first writing I wrote is this - Hello World.

What is this all about?

I always wanted my corner on the internet. A place where I can express my thoughts, and my feelings or just spit out what is on my mind. First of all a place for myself and secondly if someone finds it useful or interesting then a place for that someone too.

For the past couple of years, I thought to myself that it would be nice to write something, not regularly, but at least a couple of articles a year or a month depending on circumstances. But somehow I always find excuses why not to do it rather than just do it.

As a Software Engineer working in various companies, I gained various work-related experiences, have been in various situations, did this and that, and accumulated various experiences from various angles that I would like to share with you in my internet corner.

In my opinion, it is also nice to share my point of view about things I find interesting or important.

About what are you going to write?

  • Programming  - Web development, Software development, Game development, <you name it> development.
  • Mindset - My thoughts about things I am interested in, mostly about personal growth.
  • Life - General things that happen in my life.
  • Hobbies - What I like to do, is write about books I read, games I currently play, and things I am interested in.

Why did you decide to write in English?

As English is not my first language, the choice to write in it is, I think, obvious. First of all, English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. This means that articles can be read by a broader audience. Secondly writing in a different language makes me learn it better. I admit that I make lots of grammar mistakes, and the sentences are poorly structured, but all of this is a learning process. My only hope is that you as a reader will understand the main idea(s) that I want to say in my writings.